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來源:http://www.betterproxy.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2024-05-17


The practice of temporary safety edge guardrails


1. It is composed of two horizontal bars, with a height of 1.0-1.2 meters and a height of 0.5-0.6 meters from the ground, respectively.


When the horizontal pole is greater than 2 meters, railing columns must be added to ensure the stability of the overall structural strength.


3. When the outer side of the edge faces the street, in addition to setting up edge guardrails, the open facade must be fully enclosed with dense mesh, and a foot board with a height of no less than 180mm should be set at the bottom of the guardrail. Safety technical requirements for edge operations require protective measures to be set up for edge high-altitude operations, and comply with the following regulations:


Surrounding the foundation pit, when railings and railings are not installed around the material platform and the overhanging platform, the edges of the rain canopy and eaves, and the roof and floor without external scaffolding, edge guardrails must be set up;



The perimeter of the second floor with a first floor wall height exceeding 3.2m, as well as the perimeter of floors without external scaffolding but with a height exceeding 3.2m, must be protected by a safety net with a width of 3m;


Temporary guardrails must be installed at the stairwells and edges of building sections during layered construction, and formal edge guardrails should be installed at the top stairwells as the engineering structure progresses;


On both sides of building passages such as construction elevators and scaffolding, edge guardrails must be installed. Safety protection sheds should be installed on the upper part of ground passages, and the middle of the double cage well frame passage should be separated and closed;


Various vertical transportation and material receiving platforms must be equipped with safety doors or movable edge guardrails at the platform entrance, in addition to protective barriers on both sides;

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The above is an introduction to edge guardrails. To learn more, please click: http://www.betterproxy.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

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