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來源:http://www.betterproxy.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-05-18

Types of enclosure commonly used in engineering construction
Each area has different requirements for the shell of the building area, including the material, type, height, etc. The specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. Next, I will analyze the types of envelope commonly used in engineering construction..
Metal enclosure:
The main material of this kind of shell is still composed of color steel plate, and the price of standard metal shell (2m high, 3.6m wide and 0.3mm thick) is still mainly affected by the thickness of color steel. The strength of metal shell is higher than that of PVC shell, with higher appearance, higher finish and service life of more than 5 years. In particular, the improved new keel buckle color steel shell adopts 1.2-thick G-shaped steel as the keel, which greatly enhances the wind resistance of the shell and makes the installation easier and convenient.
PVC enclosure:
Alias (municipal fence, engineering fence, site fence, plastic fence, municipal fence or fence)
The main materials of this are polyethylene and calcium powder. The standard PVC shell (2.5m high, 3.0m wide and 2.2cm thick) affects the price of PVC shell mainly because of the material of PVC surface. The combination of ethylene and calcium powder has no unformed plate surface. Good PVC board has good surface toughness, not easy to break and become brittle, high finish, easy to clean and flame retardant appearance. The shell can be used for more than three years.
Iron sheet enclosure:
Alias (color steel fence, simple fence, mobile fence)
As the name suggests, the main material of this kind of shell is color steel plate, and the price of iron sheet shell is determined by the thickness of color steel plate, which is determined according to the rigid demand of individual customers. Iron fences are mostly used for short-term construction or need to be removed and misappropriated frequently. The suggestion is to use it well for one year. Convenient disassembly and cheap price.
Foam enclosure
The main material of foam enclosure is plastic foam. There is no difference between the column of the foam shell and the metal shell, except that the foam sandwich panel has a snap design, which is used to fix the surface of the foam sandwich panel of the shell. Foam sandwich panels are generally 5cm thick, with foamed plastic in the middle and colored steel tiles on both sides. The thickness of colored steel tiles ranges from 0.5mm to 3mm, and the specifications and prices are also different. You can buy according to your actual needs.
What kind of guardrail the guardrail manufacturer thinks is good for engineering construction should be determined according to the local urban construction regulations or city appearance management regulations, so it needs to be analyzed according to the actual situation. For more information, please visit www.betterproxy.cn com。

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