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來源:http://www.betterproxy.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2023-04-15


The generation of activities can be considered as how much economic benefits the enterprise brings. Outside the buildings and construction sites, the surrounding walls are manufactured, and the slogans around the real estate are accompanied by slogans. Manufacturing such walls or fences is called real estate fences. The engineering enclosure not only beautifies the construction site, but also attracts the attention of pedestrians. The project is about beautification and communication.
Color steel fence component system: The electronic version of the effect picture on the shell generally needs to be manufactured from scratch, and the preliminary production effect picture by the planning institute is not suitable for promotion. The primary difference between planning and promotional renderings lies in the key differences reflected. The construction plan primarily highlights the height of the building, with little or no consideration given to the overall atmosphere of the environment. It's difficult to get a good buy.
What difficulties will be encountered with color steel fences: In the practical production process of engineering fences, they are often smooth, sometimes with trees, and sometimes with corner constraints. Therefore, we can achieve excellent visual effects of the engineering shell. We need to adapt to local conditions and get close to our own project appropriately. The produced shell will be initially excavated from the foundation pit. It is necessary to carefully consider the above factors before excavation.
Is the material for the color steel enclosure ready? Prepare the material, cut the angle steel, weld the structure, install the square cage, and weld the keel layout. The quantity of materials prepared depends on the practical situation and layout of the project.
Color steel enclosure device: cast square cage, welded crossbeam and device board surface. Before installing, it is necessary to have a clearer layout so that builders and developers can see it clearly. Disassemble the inkjet effect on the structure, and the effect image on the fence is a promotional effect image. Some real estate commercial construction planning renderings cannot meet the needs of publicity.
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